Why Online Work Station Safety Training Works in Construction
There are many industries where eLearning can be beneficial, and with the current complexity of the construction industry, it is no wonder that online work station safety training
is so beneficial. Between learning all of the building codes, the complex regulations set down by the government, and understanding the external environmental factors, the construction industry has a real need for a robust training program.
All types of construction projects are complex, not just new construction. Renovations can be equally as layered and difficult. Construction companies have to ensure that their workforce is trained to understand the complexities of the modern industry. Increasing employee knowledgebase needs to be done in an efficient and cost-effective manner to be able to keep up with the demands and expectations of the customers.
Online training resources can be a real boon for the construction industry for many reasons. Typically the most popular programmes focus on training staff and contractors in Health and Safety related areas, the following five reasons are probably the most prominent.
Online Training is Convenient
The construction industry can be left to the mercy of fickle weather patterns, and when inclement weather roles in, the workforce can be left without any tasks to compete. Having eLearning modules ready to go at all times, any downtime can conveniently be turned into training time. There is no need to schedule specific training days which may interfere with quality building days, your eLearning platform will work for you.
Online Training Saves Money
Sending an entire crew to an offsite location to sit and listen to a lecturer for a few hours can be quite costly. There is the wasted building hours, the travel time, and the pay for the instructor to consider. However, with online learning, employees can work at their own pace and when there is downtime without ever leaving their assigned job site.
Online Training Allows Employees to Work at Their Own Pace
Not everyone catches on to information at the same rate. You will have employees that can zip through training, and there are others that will have a tougher time retaining the information. Allowing them to do online e-Training courses, each employee can work at the rate that best suits them. No one will be bored waiting for the other to catch up or on the other end of the spectrum and feeling left behind.
Online Training Increases Knowledge Retention
The standard training methods throw a lot of information at employees all at once. They are overloaded with knowledge while sitting in a classroom, and then usually sent home for the day. The process may even take several days, and there is usually no time to implement the skills that have been learned in between. It has been proven that employees who learn a little bit and then immediately apply that knowledge to their work tasks is better able to retain the learned information.
Online Training can be Simultaneous
Each of your construction job sites can get the same training at the same time. No matter where they are in the world, all of your employees can access the eLearning courses and complete the modules. There is no need for a trainer to have to travel from job site to job site trying to ensure that each employee is given access to the information.
If your construction business could benefit from an online training program, you should partner with Dillon Productions. We are able to create a unique course that will blend HD videos, role plays, case studies, quizzes, and animations to build you the ideal eLearning platform for your company needs. You can personalize the modules, adjust the languages, and even host the online training in one of Dillon’s custom-made portals.